Adding a link
Note: There is no charge to add your site to the company directory. You may
list your company in up to two categories for free. Additional categories will
require a per category/month fee of $5 each with a 12 month minimum.
Subscribing to the newsletter
The newsletter is sent out weekly. Send us an email to sign up and include your preference for plain text format if you know you
can't receive HTML emails.
Advertising inquiries
You may advertise on a per week basis for the newsletter, and a per month basis for the website. Purchase blocks of 6 periods.
Site content, feedback, or help
We're always interested to hear what you have to say. This portal is for the people, so please let us know how we can make it better for you.
Submit a news release
Please provide a link to your website, or an alternate site, where the full press release is located. We currently don't have a plan for
hosting full press releases on our servers.
Ernie Urdal (Director)
Bevin Stephenson (Director)